Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Book Report 1: The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
                             (a book report)          
By: Yash Kothari
Grade 6

Author Description
The author of this book C.S. Lewis wrote the book during World War II. It described his feelings when his children were sent to the middle of Britain, away from him to be safe. He is a very imaginative person and created a whole new series of books in a new land called Narnia.

Setting and Character Sketch
·       Lucy: Lucy is a girl who learns archery in the book. She is the smallest of the four children and discovers the new world Narnia first. She is a very curious personality and is always on the lookout for something new. In the story, Lucy is also the most honest and always tells the truth to everyone.
·       Edmund: Edmund is the second youngest of the four siblings and he discovers Narnia second, as Peter and Susan do not believe the story of a new world. He goes on the wrong path, and joins with the white witch. He is very just and always solves problems fairly as one of the kings of Narnia.
·       Susan: Susan is a very mature girl and likes to do girly sorts of things. She does not fight at all like Lucy but is very beautiful in her looks. She is quite bossy to her younger siblings, but is liked by the whole kingdom of Narnia.
·       Peter: Peter is the oldest of all siblings. He is a very understanding brother and cares dearly for all his siblings. He is a great swordsman and learns quickly to fight. He is also very brave and is the High King of Narnia.
·       Aslan: The High King above all High Kings of Narnia. He is a lion and is very dangerous to his enemies. They say when Aslan comes, the White Witch will die and spring and summer will arrive again in the land of Narnia
·       White Witch: the White Witch takes over Narnia and rules it. She never lets spring enter or Father Christmas come and bless the land. All the creatures that refuse to serve her are turned to stone by her. However, the creatures of Narnia that come under her service are allowed to live in peace.

The setting of this story starts of in the home of their uncle, a professor in England. They must go there for protection from the Germans who are constantly bombing and firing bullets from their air force. Lucy finds Narnia, an unknown land and she explores the area with Tumnus. This story was written and occurred in the time of the World War II. Narnia was soon discovered by all four children and they figured out that it was always winter and never summer or Christmas or even spring. Peter, Lucy, Susan, and Edmund go through many struggles with the help of Aslan and travel through Narnia to defeat the powers of the White Witch.

          In the book, the four children find a new world while exploring a wardrobe. The new world is called Narnia. In this world, they realize that they have to defeat the White Witch to free Narnia from a long and terrible spell of misery. The two daughters of Eve and two sons of Adam have to sit in the four thrones of the high castle of Narnia called: Cair Paravel. In the starting, the children meet the beavers, who take them to meet the lion who will guide them, Aslan. On the way, they meet the Father of Christmas, who is finally broken the power of the Witch to enter Narnia. He gives them each gifts. Edmund escapes from the house and betrays the others. He enters the castle of the White Witch, who in the end, plans to kill him. Aslan sacrifices his life to save Edmund. However, a magic deep down says that if a person gives in to his enemy to be killed, death will work backwards. Instead of dying, Aslan becomes more powerful than ever. They free all the animals who have been turned into stone in the witch’s castle and go fight a war. The war lasts for only a day and when Aslan arrives, the enemy is defeated in a few hours. After all the cleaning up of the war, Peter goes to the castle with his siblings and is crowned High King of Narnia.


I would surely recommend this book to any reader who loves adventure. The children discover new lands and I felt, wouldn’t it be great if this were actually true. While reading this book, I could not wait to continue reading it. The literature style is great and some very nice tricks of writing are used to grab the reader onto the book.

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